Thursday, May 17, 2007

what our family has been up to!

This coming june will be the Romney family's six anniversary. I can't believe how time flies. In these six years we have gone from two to four. Alexis Julie Romney was born October 26, 2004.

And two years and three months later Thomas Park Romney was born on January 17, 2007. We have lived in a duplex in the Avenues, an older home in Holladay, and now we are currently living in a house we built in Fruit Heights. Nate has changed jobs four times, and is currently working with Capital Development. I'm crossing my fingers that he will finally enjoy this job long enough to stay for awhile! I am enjoying being a stay at home mom, and I don't miss the work field one bit! I am so thankful for all of my blessings. We are all healthy and happy; Nate and I are enjoying being the parents of two beautiful children; and we are surrounded by our friends and family.


Muranda said...

Lindsey, your kids are so darling. Alexis looks just like you! I was so happy to see that you found my blog. It is really fun to see what everyone is up to.


Sarah said...

Lindsey, waht a cute family you have! Your kids are too cute.
Sarah Sorensen (Vincent)