Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm a big girl!

The other night I went to feed Tommy and found the poor kid had moved himself to the bottom of his bassinet and was crammed sideways. I felt so bad that in the morning I broke the news to Alexis it was time to move out of the crib and into her big girl bed. She was a little distraught and kept saying "maybe later mommy." I stuck to my guns and made her sleep in her bed that night. Overall it went pretty well. I did have to play lullubys and sit by her door until she fell asleep. She even sleept through the night without falling out or waking up. That was the first night. . . . The next night she cried until she fell asleep, and woke up at 5:30 in the morning and ran into my room and yelled "mommy I'm awake!" That did not go over well! Well, slowly but surely she is becoming acusstomed to her big girl bed, and this morning she even slept until 8:00! I can't believe at how fast she is growing up. My little BoBo (the nickname Nate gave her) isn't so little anymore!

Alexis begrudgingly passes the crib onto Tommy!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Chubby Babies!

Monday I took Tommy to his four month well check. And not to my surprise he is taking after his sister Alexis! He is in the 50th percentile for height, 75th for head, and 85th for weight! He is my little bean bag! At this age Alexis was 10th percentile for height and 90th for weight! I have no idea where my chubby babies came from, but boy do I love it!!!! There is nothing like hugging a plump little person. I love that my babies are healthy and thriving. My mother in law jokes that I have cream for milk! I thank Heavenly Father every day for my beautiful, healthy children and for the wonderful opportunity to be a mother.

Alexis at four months

Tommy at four months

Thursday, May 17, 2007

what our family has been up to!

This coming june will be the Romney family's six anniversary. I can't believe how time flies. In these six years we have gone from two to four. Alexis Julie Romney was born October 26, 2004.

And two years and three months later Thomas Park Romney was born on January 17, 2007. We have lived in a duplex in the Avenues, an older home in Holladay, and now we are currently living in a house we built in Fruit Heights. Nate has changed jobs four times, and is currently working with Capital Development. I'm crossing my fingers that he will finally enjoy this job long enough to stay for awhile! I am enjoying being a stay at home mom, and I don't miss the work field one bit! I am so thankful for all of my blessings. We are all healthy and happy; Nate and I are enjoying being the parents of two beautiful children; and we are surrounded by our friends and family.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

So, Here it goes. . . .

I have been reading my sister-in-laws blog lately, and have been inspired. I love the idea of being able to express myself and keep in touch with freinds and family at the same time. So here begins the Romney family blog. My little family consists of me (Lindsay), my husband Nate, Alexis ( 2 1/2), and Thomas (4 months).
It is to fun to see how my kids personalities are forming. Alexis is a spit fire! She loves to sing, dance, and be the center of attention. She is a typical two year old. She fights for power, and won't take no for an answer. If I say no she will go to everyone in the room until she gets the outcome she wants. She is so headstrong, definately like her daddy. I love everything about her. She is the sunshine in my life. She is so smart, and is very aware of how others are feeling. If I am sad she gives me a hug, rubs my back and says "It's o.k. sweetheart!" She says the funniest things. The other day it was hailing, and Alexis comes running into the bathroom where I was getting ready for the day and yells "Mom it's raining popcorn!" I couldn't stop laughing!
Thomas is my little sweetheart. He is so mellow, and is content with just sitting on mommy's lap. He is so happy. I love the way he looks at me and smiles when I come to get him out of his crib in the morning. I love the way he feels and smells. I love everything about him too. He has been in my life such a short time, but I feel like I have known him forever. He is starting to giggle, which just melts my heart. I can't wait to get to know him better and see and experience each stage as he grows.
It's amazing at how fast my kids grow. My good freind Jamie gave me a childrens book called Let Me Hold You Longer that talks about holding onto to the "lasts" of each stage of your childs life.
" Long ago you came to me, a miracle of firts:
First smiles and teeth and baby steps,
a sunbeam on the burst.
But one day you will move away
and leave me to your past,
and I will be left thinking of
a lifetime of your lasts . . . ."
When I firt read this book I sobbed (though my hormones were still reeling from childbirth!). My kids are growing up so fast. Though I look forward to each stage of their lives, I sometimes wish I could keep them little forever.