Sunday, September 16, 2007

My "Happy Things"

So, lately I have been feeling down. I don't know if it is baby blues, stress, or hormones, but I havn't been able to shake it. Sometimes I feel like I have lost myself amidst my mama duties. I have lost track of what makes me me. But, the other day my mom gave me some great advice. She said to try to do something everyday that makes me happy. Even if it is something little like reading my favorite magazine or taking a bubble bath. So, I'm going to take her advice. I am really looking forward to discovering myself again. But for now here are a few pictures of my sweet, beautiful children, who are my ultimate "happy things."


Jamie said...

I have just the thing for you, Girl's Night Out next month-and every month there after-with me! I can't wait, let's get planning!
Love, Jamie

Sarajane said...

I hear you. Sometimes I just have to get out of the house, and it helps. Let's get together, really for a play date or just a girls night.

Heidi said...

You are so not alone! Sporadically, I will have a good run of a few days where I just can't seem to shake the heaviness of feeling low and anxious. And I will get nervous, because I don't want to be stuck in that place. It ALWAYS passes and the sun will shine again.
One thing I have had to learn to do for myself is to pay attention to any self-defeating thoughts that I am fueling. Once I pinpoint some of those specific thoughts and realize that they are NOT true, I usually feel a burden lifted. Of course I have to combine this with getting out, doing something meaningful for ME! Sorry for the long spill,I don't even know you that personally, but I totally can relate!

Muranda said...

You're a doll! I feel you. Your kids make me happy!

Rebecca said...

Sad...I hear you are becoming a single mom with Nate being so busy. I totally know how you feel and it's enough to make you go crazy. Thank goodness your kiddies are so dang cute. Maybe you should go to that ballet class again (of course leave the kids home with a babysitter). I bet you could talk Amy into joining. You are one of the best mommies I know. Keep up the good work!


Steve and Cami said...

I can totally relate. You are definitely not the only one to feel this way. Two babies who need you 24 hours a day is difficult at the same time it is wonderful. I think doing something fun that you want to do once a day is a great idea. I am going to do that too. You are fabulous. We should also talk about having a busy husband in MBA school. I can understand that, too. Oh boy.

Lindsey said...

What great advice Linds - We just moved and I have also been in a sad/lonely funk...I will have to try the happy thing!!