Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Got Milk (allergy)?

I am freaking out!!!! When Alexis was about six months old I found out she had allergies to wheat, eggs, and tree nuts. I was devastated. I soon found out how hard it is to feed and take care of a child with food allergies. I have to bring her own food to most places we go IE: restaurants, family parties, outings, nursery, birthday parties (not to mention she can't eat the birthday cake like all of the other kids). I love to bake, so it breaks my heart when I make cookies and I have so say no to her.
When I became pregnant with Thomas I crossed my fingers that he would not have any allergies. Now that I am introducing solids to him I am very cautious. But the other day Nate gave Tommy a bite of his milkshake, thinking "this should be o.k. because we don't have any milk allergies in the family." Tommy proceeded to break out in hives all around his mouth. Then yesterday I had Tommy on my lap while eating a bowl of cereal and accidentally dropped a little milk on his ear. His whole ear became red and broke out in hives! I'm not 100% sure that he is allergic to milk, but it sure is looking like it! Oh man, here we go again!

Does anyone out there have a child with a milk allergy? Do you have any insights or advice?


Rebecca said...

No Way...that is a bummer! I sure hope it's not for real. I will say (coming from a girl who has had allergies her whole life) is that it's harder on you than it is on them because they don't know what they're missing. Good luck with that! They sure are cute kids!

Muranda said...

Oh my, that is so sad. I am so sorry. Maybe we can pray it away! He is such a cute little guy!

meg said...

Wow! Hopefully he'll grow out of it? We had such a fun seeing you and your cute kids in UT (wish we were still there).