Sunday, August 19, 2007

Messy Eater!!!

Tommy is starting to eat baby food, and loves it!! It is so hard to keep him clean while feeding him though. He has a hard time keeping it in his mouth because of his tongue constantly hanging out! He also tugs at his bib and tries to eat it which just makes a bigger mess! So I've resorted to feeding him naked!


Jamie said...

I prefer the naked feedings too-especially on spaghetti night! I'll have to post a funny picture I have from out Ut trip of them eating naked! Tommy looks so big in his high chair-he'll probably be a great eater!
Love, Jamie

Becky said...

He is super cute! I think the naked feedings are so fun.

Sarajane said...

I remember those days. We'll know that I think about it, Julia still ends up with food all over her and me.

Muranda said...

Oh my, he is so adorable!

Jess said...

I'm so glad you told me about your blog! It's so fun seeing what you guys are up to! Let's all get together for lunch sometime this week. Any day good for you?

Rebecca said...

I can't believe he is already eating solids! They grow so fast...