Saturday, April 19, 2008

Vroom,Vroom, Beep, Beep, CRASH!

Do you remember those "Little Tyke" plastic cars from when you were little? Well, I do! I never actually had one of my own, but I secretly coveted one. So when one of my friends got one for her kids it brought back serious feelings of want! So I found these beauties on the Walmart website and never looked back! It's so fun to watch the kids zoom around the house (they will be exiled outside as soon as the weather is warmer)! When Alexis isn't looking Tommy will try to hijack her pink car- for some reason he always likes Alexis' stuff better! I don't blame him that pink and blue car is a beauty. I seriously love reliving my childhood through my kids!


Becky said...

So fun. I need to get Bailey one too. She loves playing with these. I just don't have anywhere to put it until the weather gets warm. Cute pics.

Rebecca said...

I love those cars! That's what I want to get Will for his Birthday!

Hilary said...

That is great. My boys love those whenever we go the the gateway discovery museum. Maybe I should invest in some, too!

Muranda said...

i always wanted one of these too! how cute that they both have their own!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Smartphone, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Jamie said...

Oh Lindsay-I love these photos- I think that Tommy is making that ice cream face in that top photo! How cute are those cars!! We will definitely have to come play! I just might have to get the pink car for Abby-Those photos are priceless!!

Jamie said...

oh-and what is it with our boys always going for the pink stuff?

Dehner Family said...

I've seen that smartphone message being left on many blogs (mine included)... I think if you add the word verification to your comment page it should keep spam comments away... Just in case you don't want more like it...

Anyway - Cute little cars. Myles always cries for Morgan's pink cup. I try to talk him into the blue one, but he only wants pink... Grrr.

Dehner Family said...

One more thing, I'm coming out in June and I think we need to get everyone together and let the kids play. I already mentioned it to Sunny...

Gardiner Blogs said...

That is so fun that you were willing to buy two of them! Sam would have convinced me that they could share one! Two looks like a lot more fun! They are so cute!

Nick and Kirsten said...

love the cars linds...soon we'll have to let the kids "drive" to each others houses.

Smith Family said...

Those are so cute! I bet the kids are loving them. There is nothing wrong with reliving our childhoods through our kiddos...Just as long as they get to have fun while we do it!

Aldred Family said...

Lindsay, I found your blog off of Mandy Sandberg's! How are you?! You look great! You have a super cute family!! We have been trying to gather info on everyone for the 10 year class reunion... I was wondering if you would mind emailing me your current address, permanent address and best email address to use @ It would be so great to see everyone! Hope that things are going great.. Looks like life is treating you well!!
Marilee (Hess)

Bellblogging said...

Cute kids! It was fun seeing you the other day! We will have to keep in touch!


Tandy Family said...

Hey Lindsay! Your kids have grown up so much! They are so cute!! We need to get together soon. -Kelli-

Tandy Family said...

Hey Lindsay, I just tagged you on my blog!-kelli-

Dehner Family said...

Put on your calendar Saturday June 7th. Barbeque at Brooke's house - more details to come. (I'm thinking you guys live close to each other)
Hope you can come! It will be fun to watch our kids play together.

Anonymous said...

Lindz, I was looking in a magazine the other day and it reminded me of you and your mom and your aunt (sorry that's a lot of ands...) anyway, I miss you! Your kids are so dang cute! They totally like you and Nate.