Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Mommy, Iv'e grown up!"

Big news!!! It all started the other day when I was enjoying a piece of cake and Alexis asked if she could have a bite. I started to give my rehearsed answer "sorry sweetheart you are allergic to this, but maybe you can have cake when you grow up." But then I thought "what the hey" I'm in a controlled environment, I know where the Benadryl is and gave her a tiny bight. Nothing happened! Then I gave her an even bigger bight. Nothing happened! Then she proceeded to devour a whole piece and NOTHING HAPPENED! Not a hive in sight!!! Alexis was on cloud nine. It was like seeing a one year old eat their first birthday cake, of which I never got to see her do:(

So today we went to lunch with my friend Jamie and her twins and Alexis got to eat her very first donut! She pressed her cute little nose to the display case at Tasty's and with the biggest smile on her face picked the white cake donut with sprinkles. I was a proud mama! After eating her donut I asked Alexis if she had a tummy ache or felt itchy, and her comment to me was . . . . "no mommy, I've grown up!"


Becky said...

Oh, that is so cute! I love her little comment! She is so smart and so cute. A mini Lindsay!

Hilary said...

Hi, it's dave here. She is a mini Lindsay. That is so exciting and I imagine a huge relief. Tell Nate hello for me.

Sarajane said...

darling girl. Hurray for no more allergies.

Ryan said...

That is so exciting!! Both of your kids are so cute.

Rebecca said...

I am so happy for you guys. What a great hurdle to get over! That is so cute about her "growing up" comment.

The Cannons said...

Maybe I'm emotional, but I got a little misty reading that. "mommy..I'm all grown up." That is way too cute!! COngrats on overcoming the allergies.

Jamie said...

I'm so glad I was there to share the big moment! Alexis is so sweet! You are such a great mommy example to me!!!

Hilary said...

That is so great!!! Wow, now she'll get to have all those yummy things she's been missing out on! That will make life easier on you, too! Congrats!