Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Best Friends

This morning I woke up to giggling coming from the baby monitor. I crept into to Thomas' room and found Alexis and Thomas laying together in his crib! She had pulled up a chair and climbed in with him. They were laughing and having a great time. It just melts my heart to see my two babies becoming best friends.


Rebecca said...

So cute! I remember when Charlie started to climb into bed with Will. It was so sweet until he started waking Will up to do it. Great memories!

Gardiner Blogs said...

That is so cute! It is one of the best things to see your kids having fun together and getting along! I need to try your cookie recipe!

Sarajane said...

What darling kids. Julia needs a brother or a sister,- some day.

Jamie said...

I'm so glad I got to see the picture to go with the story! We can't wait to see you guys NEXT WEEK!

Hilary said...

That is so sweet! I know, it is just so great when the younger child is old enough that the two can really have a special connection. It sounds like Alexis is such a great big sister!

Lindsey said...

That is so sweet Linds - they are so adorable. What sweetie-pies!

Rebecca said...

Ok...so I am LOVING your new look! Did your friend Jamie do it? Would she do mine? I don't have the software to do any personalizing on my blog.

The Bergers said...

Hi Lindsay! Kamber here...just saw your cute blog on beccas page thought i would peak in on your cute family! That is such a precious moment with your kids.
Peak in on our family at kamberanddavid

Becky said...

That is the best! How sweet!