Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cruise to Me-hi-co!

This last week Nate and I left the kiddies with my parents and took a cruise to Mexico! Mind you this was the very first time I have ever left the kids- the only other time I have been away from Alexis is in the hospital when Tommy was born! I braced myself for hysterics but as we boarded the ship all I felt was excitement! We had such a great time- I have never been so lazy in my life! We would wake up around 9:00 am, eat breakfast, lay out by the pool, eat lunch, lay out by the pool, eat ice cream, read a book or two, maybe have another ice cream, head to dinner, and return to our room where our bed had been turned down for the night with little chocolates on our pillows and towels formed in animal shapes! We also toured Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, and Cabo San Lucas. I'll tell you I could get used to having all of my meals cooked for me and having a maid service! At the end of the week I was ready to see the kids and be back on land- although I will miss the soft serve machine and told Nate that once he hits it big we should get one for the kitchen!

Puerto Vallarta


Cabo San Lucas

At Dinner on the ship

View from our balcony on the ship